
Saturday, May 23, 2015

Markets and Other Adventures

Today I realized that I'll be home one month from tomorrow. That's crazy. I'm almost halfway done and already the weeks behind me are a bit of a blur. A happy blur, but a blur.

This morning we went to Portobello market again. We all got crepes for breakfast and, though the lemon and sugar crepe was incredible last time, I decided to branch out and get the ham and cheese one. I preferred the lemon, so that means I'll have to go back again. Darn ;)

We walked along the crowded streets again and shopped less than last time. It was the 150th anniversary of the market and I believe the streets were even more crowded than last time (though that may have been my imagination).

These guys were playing by the place we got our crepes and we stood and listened to them for a while because they were so good. They made an announcement about business cards so I went to grab one before we continued on our way. This was the conversation that ensued:

Guys: Thank you thank you.

Me: Thank you! You guys are so good!

Guys: Thanks. And where are you from?

Me: I'm from America.

Guys: Yeah, but where?

Me: Utah!

Guys: Oh cool oh cool. Yeah we were just in Jackson, Dallas, LA area. (I don't think they know where Utah is).

Me: All good places.

Guys: *Emphatic nods*

And then I left. And they started singing again and I forgot the slight awkwardness that had been our conversation. I did give them my spare change, though, so I'm sure they didn't mind. And maybe I've raised awareness of Utah. Possibly.

Portobello road is an incredible place, but it drains me. I had to go home and rest after spending time there last time, and the same thing happened today. I took a very long nap and, after I woke up, thought about doing my homework. I even started one assignment, but then Kenna came home and I got distracted. And then I Skyped home because I miss my family.

That's probably been the hardest thing about being here. I adore this program, I love my roommates, I love my classes. I love seeing the city through educated eyes, and I am so incredibly grateful for this amazing opportunity, but I'm a homebody. This is my first time living in a place where calling my mom anytime is not really an option. Every other time I've lived away from home I talked to my mom every day because she really is one of my best friends. I wouldn't trade this opportunity for anything, though.

After reconnecting with home I followed Lizzie downstairs to keep her company while she was doing her laundry. We passed the time in pleasant conversation and waited for the cycle to finish. Upon entering the laundry room we found an entertaining surprise. Rather than see wet clothes in the washer we found bubbles. Lots and lots of bubbles.

Last night the washers had shut down mid-cycle while Lizzie was trying to do her laundry, so we thought the bubbles were a result of excess detergent in the clothing. We put the clothes through a rinse cycle and that only caused the bubbles to grow. So that was exciting.

Eventually we decided to transfer the clothing into the next washer to rinse them and then to finish laundry from there. I was laughing so hard at this point that I couldn't stand up straight. When we opened the washing machine bubbles flowed out. I was just glad it was bubbles and not water (though there was some water that was left sitting in the bottom of the washing machine) coming onto the floor. Bubbles are easier to contain and clean up. Who knew laundry could be such an adventure?

This is one of the permanent shops at Portobello. They have a lot of wooden things (glasses, phone cases, watches, etc.)

I probably took a picture of this house last time, but how could I not? It's too picturesque to pass up.

Waiting for the timer to go off. . .

Waiting some more. . .

Realizing that the bubbles weren't going anywhere. Putting the load through another rinse cycle only made the more bubbles.

So you see, my friends, it's possible to have adventures wherever you are--including a laundry room.

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