
Friday, April 29, 2016

A Year

A year ago today I was in London. I was just starting my study abroad experience which is still one of the most incredible experiences of my life. I want to go back more often than I should (even though I was homesick sometimes). It still feels like I just got back, but, at the same time, like that study abroad was a world and a half away. In some ways, I suppose, it is.

A lot can happen in a year. It seems like such an insignificant amount of time, those twelve months, but a whole life--a whole world--can change in that period. And we hardly notice it until we look back.

A year ago today I was in London. I was learning how to live in a different culture and how to get around in a foreign city. Today I'm a little over a month away from marrying the most incredible man, I'm starting full-time at my job because I graduated from BYU, and the future is largely uncharted. That's exciting and scary at the same time. I have another year ahead of me. Another year in which life can change completely. Isn't that remarkable? I'm excited to see what that brings.

Monday, April 11, 2016

Finish Lines

There's a certain feeling that always accompanies the end of a school year. The sun seems to shine just a little bit brighter, a little bit warmer. The birds sing a just a little bit sweeter. You seem to smile just a little bit bigger, more frequently. There really is no better feeling.

Sure, there are still papers to do and exams to ace (or take), but there's a light at the end of the tunnel and that light is the most beautiful thing you've ever seen. Suddenly, outside seems the best place to be all of the time, and you walk with your head up because, guess what, you're almost there. You're a few short days away from no more homework assignments, no more tests, no more heavy backpacks bursting at the seams with books and notes and knowledge.

There's something about being able to see the finish line that makes the race doable. Sometimes seeing the finish line is all you need for that last burst of energy to kick in and fly through to the end. It's remarkable, really.

So here's to finish lines. There are starting lines ahead, of course, but this race will soon be over.