
Sunday, May 3, 2015


Today our entire program went to the same ward. We were supposed to take the circle line to get there and we were on tract to be early, but then the train didn't show up for thirty-five minutes and we were a few minutes late to the meeting. We made it before the opening prayer, though, which was impressive.

We thoroughly overwhelmed the ward, there, though. Our entire program was there, and two other BYU study abroad programs were visiting the same ward. Visitors composed eighty percent of the people there. It was crowded, but it was still church and the Spirit was still there, and the doctrine was the same. That's what I love about this gospel: it doesn't matter where you go; this gospel is still true.

After church we returned to the Centre and our room fell asleep. I woke up after a half an hour or so and decided to take a long walk through the park. It was absolutely what I needed today. It was windy, but quiet and green and beautiful. It was a peaceful day.

All the pictures are from Hyde Park and Kensington Park today.

I could get used to this view

This just looked like The Secret Garden to me

These little flowers were everywhere! It was so pretty and happy

There were so many good climbing trees. Is climbing trees allowed here? If so I'm definitely going to try.

The lake

A bridge across a river. I don't actually know were all I went today. I just sort of went wherever my feet wanted to go. It was nice.

I found Peter Pan!

The birds were singing so prettily I couldn't help but make a video. I'm not entirely sure what type of birds they were (though the guy in the video is convinced they were robins), but theirs was a happy song.

The Italian Fountains

The fountains again

And then I decided to head home. I think this will be a regular Sunday activity.

Happy Sunday everyone.

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