
Thursday, February 5, 2015

The French Phenomenon

Last night I was talking to a friend and she mentioned something about everyone having a pie chart. She was talking specifically about love interests, but I think her theory applies broadly to all areas of life. Everyone has a pie chart, and that pie chart is constantly changing so that certain areas that were nearly monopolizing your thoughts yesterday are eclipsed by something entirely different today.

This week I've felt that my pie chart is all out of whack. I should be focusing on school and books and I should be internalizing all my learning so I can remember and apply it forever and ever. But that's not how it's been. Instead I've been focused on being tired and wanting to sleep and read and watch movies and go hiking and do anything that doesn't involve school. Actually that's not entirely true. I really love learning and I love my major. I just don't want to have anything to do with my French class. I've tried adopting the somewhat childish mentality that, if I just ignore it, it'll go away, but that hasn't been the case at all.

In fact, quite the opposite has happened and, in spite of all the other things floating around in my mind, I have the black cloud of French floating around, reminding me that it's there. It's very distracting, you know. And I try to brush it away, but it's a cloud and so I just stir it around a bit and it remains, ever-present.

I was talking to my mom about this class shortly after sitting down after one of the readings where I realized that I hadn't understood anything and I told her that I don't think I'm quite cut out for this. She told me that that's how I know I'm really in college and that I'm really doing something that will help me. I suppose she's right because growth is never comfortable, but I really need to figure out a better strategy soon. Because I have a test tomorrow and I would really prefer not to fail.

Also, I was looking for an image of a black cloud that I liked on the Internet and this pulled up and I thought it was pretty. So it's completely unrelated to the above post, but enjoy it nonetheless. Or enjoy it because of its random placement. I don't really mind either way.

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