
Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Wispy Ideas

It's the end of semester (there is less than a week of school left before finals. CRAZY!), all my projects are due in the next few days (and most all of them have a long way to go), I have to figure out work and other adult stuff, and I am stressed out of my mind because, while I can see how things can work out, I don't see how I'll be able to make that happen. And I won't. Not alone, at least.

So that's where I am right now. Naturally, I'm finding this the perfect time to clean the apartment (instead of writing one of two large essays due next week or studying for the last couple of exams I have before finals), convincing myself that reading a novel is actually a bad thing to do in this situation, listening to French music that I'm growing to love a lot, and write a blog post.

There are a lot of times lately where I've almost opened my computer to write and have instead gone and been responsible. Plus, these thoughts that have been floating around haven't been long enough to write a full blog post about them. So I'm putting them here and maybe they'll eventually sprout into a full-grown post. Maybe not.


I had to get stitches last Friday because I was involved in a freak accident involving a kitchen knife (actually, I was doing dishes and tried to stop a knife from falling off the counter). Don't get in a fight with a knife. The knife will win.

As a result of the stitches I am no longer able to submerge my hand in water for an extended period of time. I have solved that problem with yellow cleaning gloves. Oddly enough, I really like the way my hands look in them, but I hate the way they smell after I take them off. But it's better than making my stitches go crazy.


The weather has been beautiful lately. I rolled up my jeans today and wore a blousy shirt and flip flops. It was lovely. I'm ready for summer.


I'm really excited to have my own home someday. My home is going to have lots of windows. And pictures. But it's going to be bright, airy, and lovely.


The above song is my favorite song right now. It's adorable and the beginning sounds A LOT like this song here. I think it's okay though because they're from two different countries in two different languages. And the messages are completely opposite from each other.

Anyways, listening to that song (the French one) while wearing my happy outfit (as mentioned above) makes me feel so. . . content. And that is a good thing to be. You know? Life is good. It's quite lovely, actually.

Quite lovely indeed.


  1. Did you write in to the 100 Hour Board asking about Joyce Jonathan-like artists?! Because I totally bookmarked that question to investigate further. So, booyah.

    I want to visit your future house. If there is one thing I can wholeheartedly recommend to you when searching out places to live, it's definitely MAKE SURE THERE ARE WINDOWS EVERYWHERE. Natural light is so amazing. When I have lived in places with less natural light, I get MUCH more depressed much more easily. One reason I love my house now so much is because we specifically chose the floor plan with the most windows. Booyah again.

    Yay end of semester! you should write a novel. And then submit to my publishing company, because we really need new submissions to publish. Like, now. So hurry up with that.

    1. I don't even know what he 100 Hour Board is, haha! But I'm glad I gave you something to look into!

      You're absolutely welcome to visit! As I said, it will be lovely. But it will also be my home sometime in the future. . . Possibly a long way out there, haha :)

      Maybe I will. . . But my summer is full of plans such as work, sew dresses, and hike my little heart out :) I can possibly send some people your way, though!
