
Monday, June 10, 2013

Happy Things

I suppose someone just wanted to help me feel loved at work, because I went on break and found three Lindt truffles on my desk when I came back. Those things are basically heaven in a wrapper. And I have no idea who did it, but I am so grateful for them. They made my day just a little bit better.

I got to leave work a little early and be with my family and go to Lowe's Xtreme Airsports. I don't think I've ever felt so out of shape in my life! Of course, I've never had so much fun in that feeling. Boy I am gonna be sore tomorrow. It was worth it, though: I finally was able to land a front flip.

The new Michael Buble CD, "To Be Loved." I have decided that it is fabulous bedroom-cleaning music. However, I haven't gotten around to actually utilizing it that way. I'm still exhausted from happy thing number two. :P

Family. They are there no matter what. They are there forever and they kind of have to love you. They encourage you do do crazy things, they comfort you when you hurt, they defend you when you're feeling sad. They are so great for me. I've leaned heavily on my family these past few days, and they have never failed to amaze me. I will be forever grateful for them.

You know, life really isn't easy, but it's also so incredible! Heavenly Father is so good to each of us. Life is a happy thing. It's the happiest thing of all.

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