
Monday, April 22, 2013

Pieces #5

I think the worst part about going anywhere is the packing. I hate it. So much.

But once I'm there things get infinitely better. I can't believe I've lived here for nine months! Time flies by when you hit real life. You get used to being one place and it's time to move to another.

On the bright side, it's almost SUMMER! That is something I cannot wait for. :)
That is all.

Friday, April 19, 2013

Ew Gross. It's Finals Week.

I don't like finals week. But you know, I'll be done in less than a week, and then I can go HOME!

So I'm counting down:

Five days until I'm home (and five hours that it'll take to pack, five to clean my apartment),

Four finals total,

Three more to go,

Two that I'm taking tomorrow,

One final down.

Put that way, it doesn't seem so bad. I'm on the final stretch. Here we go!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Grammar Nazi

Sometimes, being a "grammar Nazi" (aka an English major who likes to educate people on the language they're speaking) has its downfalls.

Like if you correct someone who said something was going fast when it was actually going quickly.

And then they start talking about slow, slowly, fast, quickly, it's all the same thing. . .

And you mean to say "Yes, but some are more correct than others" but this comes out: "Yes but some is mor-" and you get that far before you realize that you made an enormous grammatical mistake.

And you both laugh so it's fine, but you're a little embarrassed. Because you know better.

Sometimes, this happens. Because even a grammar Nazi is human.

Night-time Thoughts

I used to think I knew who I was. And, in a lot of ways, I did. But there were some things that I was still trying to figure out a year ago (and I'm sure I'll look back in a year and say the same thing about me now). They weren't major things, they were little--like what kind of music I liked to listen to--but they were still things I wasn't rigid about.

For example. . .

A guy I liked loved Ingrid Michaelson and Jack Johnson. Therefore, I did too. I realized after I got over him that I only like a few of the songs these artists. And I guess it was just a bunch of  little things I was still trying to figure out, but they were plentiful and therefore shaping who I was becoming. I realized I was changing for this guy even though it was nothing serious (as in with him. There really wasn't anything there). I was creating the girl I thought he wanted.

Don't do that. You only need to change yourself for one person, and that's your Heavenly Father. And even then, He made you with your talents and personality for a reason. What He really wants you to change is your heart so you can return to Him. Your personality and talents are for you to use and perfect. The person that is uniquely you has a place in this world.
It's okay to stand out.

I realized today that I was in the mindset that being in a relationship is about change. In some ways, I was right, but I wasn't seeing the whole picture. I was going off of past experience where I presented Cambry, but the Cambry that was slightly modified to the interests of the guy I was interested in. This wasn't a horrible thing to be doing, but it wasn't the best thing to be doing either.

(This is going to sound cheesy, I know, but I'm trying to make a point so bear with me)

Then I met Britton. I found myself rediscovering quirks long-buried. I remembered my intense love for books and classical music. I was comfortable having weird moments and desires to put on puppet shows for nobody but myself. I was okay showing my faults, but I was also okay being strong as well. I was quirky, I was sincere, I was vulnerable, I was strong, I was me. All of me.

There is someone (perhaps more than one someone) out there who will let you be completely yourself. Find that person. Don't settle for the one you have to change for. It's not worth it. You will be so much happier if you find that person who brings out YOU the way your Heavenly Father created you. He or she is out there. Just be patient. Discover who you are and who you want to be, and then become that person. And then find someone who loves you (all of you) as that person you are.

A Perk of Working with Your Boyfriend

When you're having a rough day, you find notes like this on your desk. . .

. . . And your day gets instantly better

Sunday, April 14, 2013

A Dollar

So last two Fridays ago (the 5th) it was raining during my class break. I had to go to the Wilk to find a classroom and ultimately ended up window shopping in the BYU Bookstore.

I kind of failed at window shopping that day. I bought two books. So much for that.

But here's why:

I found this book. Look at the sticker:

A DOLLAR! I like the story and it's only a dollar! How could I ever pass up a book if it's only a dollar?!

That's what really killed me. I continued to wander around the bookstore looking for other good deals and found another book I was interested in reading.

It was 25% off so I caved and bought it. Little did I know that I would forget that I have a life outside of books once I started reading. Since that last week, I have read the first two books of this series and am just waiting for my roommate to lend me the third.

I've been binge reading. But it's been so good to forget about homework for a few days. All because of a book that was only a dollar. It's been a happy thing.

Monday, April 8, 2013

General Conference

I always love General Conference. It is a much-needed spiritual boost that I'm blessed enough to get every six months. This was my absolute favorite talk of the entire experience. Please watch.

I have a significant role to play in building the kingdom. So do you.

Heavenly Father knows each of us and we are never alone for He is with us. He does have a plan for us and His hand is in our lives.

Our part matters because we matter.

She understood who she was, and whose she was: a daughter of our Heavenly Father.

Fathers and mothers are obligated to help one another as equal partners.

Virtue is the strength and power of daughters of God.

What if virtue was highly prized in our society?

We are daughters of our Heavenly Father.

Mosiah 18:9 "Stand as a witness of God at all times, and in all things, and in all places."

We can all be an influence for good. We can make a difference because we are different.

He lives. Jesus is the Christ. His atonement is infinite and eternal.

I know what Sister Dalton said is true. I am so grateful to have examples like her in my life. In the name of Jesus Christ, amen.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Kitchen Adventures

No, that is not tissue paper. Yes, that is our counter. This is dye from a flyer we got last week and somehow the pink bled from the paper to our counter in a nice little rectangle. The crazy part is that only a third of the flyer bled. The counter under the rest of the flyer was unscathed. Luckily, with the help of a magic eraser, we were able to banish this unwanted decoration.

Who would've thunk?

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Better Late Than Never?

So. . . I've been kind of absent lately. Sorry 'bout that. But here are a few parts of my life recently: 

Josie found the butter tray and shoved about a tablespoon in her mouth. Yum?

Britton and I got to go up with my family to see Lamb of God the weekend before Easter. It was a beautiful performance that portrayed the last days of Christ's ministry on the earth. We went to eat dinner with some of my extended family after the performance and my cousins were crazy about the fact that I'd brought my boyfriend with me. And this is the one picture I got. I love it, though. The photo-bomber is my cousin, Cameron. This picture is just so. . . him.

Donuts from Ridley's. I think they were mostly just for a good laugh, but it got my entire family in the kitchen :)

Josie was sitting on both Britton and me. Best of both?

Britton and I doubled with Brittney and her (blind) date, Tim. We went M&M mini-golfing (which was good because I'm really bad at mini-golf and this gave me an excuse for a poor score). It was super fun!

Brittney and Tim.

Life is incredibly busy, but incredibly fabulous. I am so grateful for the people Heavenly Father has put into my life! I am so blessed.