Sometimes I wish people could hear my thoughts because sometimes they're pretty cool or beautiful. And then I remember that I have a blog and that that's what writing is for and I change my mind. And then I'm really glad that the only person who knew about that thought was me. But now all you guys know it, too, so welcome to my brain.
I feel like I forget about this blog pretty often, actually. . .especially because I'm in a creative writing class this semester. All of the little things I notice throughout the day get jotted down on my phone and forgotten about until I have a writing assignment due at midnight. That's kind of how this semester has gone.
I did get accepted to the study abroad program and I'll be going to LONDON! I couldn't be more excited about it. It was kind of a crazy road getting to this point of passports and airfare, but I definitely know that this is what Heavenly Father wants for me right now. And I'm certainly not complaining. Spring can't come quickly enough.
My little brother, Riley, left for an LDS mission last week. I didn't expect to miss talking to him all the time, but I do. His letter home made me okay with it, though. I love that he is able to go and show other people the immense happiness this gospel brings, and I'm excited to hear his stories. He's a good kid and he's going to love it out there.
Sometimes I stop in the middle of my day and realize just how blessed I am. Actually, that happens a lot. Heavenly Father is so good to me and I am so grateful that He knows what's going on and what will bless me the most.
I have realized lately that I have the best job. I get to work with amazing people every day, I get to be proactive and manage myself more often than not, and the people there are the best (I said it twice because it's true)!
I got sick a week ago and completely lost my voice. I have sounded like a dying penguin for the duration of that time and it has been sadly funny. It's been great going to work every day and having my coworkers remark on the minute improvements in my voice. And I sound a lot better now. It's almost back to normal (until I sing. Then I sound like I'm trying to yodel. Which isn't the worst thing in the world. . .) and my coworkers seem just as excited as I am about it.
One coworker in particular has checked in with me every day at the beginning of my shift saying, "Cambry! Say words!" and determining how sad I sound that day. I love that I'm loved.
So basically, life is the BEST! And Heavenly Father is the BEST! And I am so grateful that I have such amazing people, in my life. I honestly can't think of anything I would change except for more Oreos. The world can always use more Oreos.