
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

This Is Sad

I get so stressed so easily, it's sad. I get overwhelmed with the copious tasks college throws at me to accomplish (and accomplish as near to perfection as I possibly can).

Take today, for example:
  • I had to go to work early this morning and was rushed about from one task to another trying to get things prepared for my mentor to leave.
  • I had to go to class and take meticulous notes because I carelessly left my Book of Mormon on my desk in my bedroom.
  • I had to create my schedule for next year, stay up until midnight so I could get into the classes I want and need (and I'm on the waitlist for two of them. I think I have hope of getting into one.)
  • I had to write essays for Choir, Book of Mormon, and English. The English one is what's killing me right now. I am striving to hard to reach perfection I will not attain in this lifetime.
So anyways. . . That's what has me stressed out tonight. I should be a good person and look on the bright side:
  • I was able to get into most of my classes.
  • I have a job.
  • I have the best roommate and friend in the world who will take time out of her schedule to help me create mine, who will make dinner even if it's late and she doesn't feel like it, who will read my essay and show me effective ways to make it better.
  • I have wonderful friends who will sit with their arm around me while I convince myself not to cry and pull out my hair.
  • I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
  • I'm not feeling the fatigue that normally hits me at this unreasonable hour.
  • I have a computer of my own.
  • It's only Tuesday (Well it was. Now it's Wednesday) and tomorrow (now today) is Halloween!
  • I got to read my book today.
  • The weather was perfect.
  • I got to smell the smell of Fall--you know the one: dead and decaying leaves in heaps on the grass, someone's pumpkin desert, the whisperings of snow in the next month or so. . . that smell.
Now that I have more blessings than complaints I'm going to knock out this essay like it's nobody's business. I can do this! 

Sunday, October 28, 2012


I am holding heaven in my hand.


These suckers are my favorite things in the whole world (well a favorite among many). I went shopping for Halloween candy (we'll be feeding trick-or-treaters this year) and saw a bag of these across the aisle. I  bought them--in addition to the other bag of goodies in my cart--telling myself I would give half of them away and keep the other half for Brittney and myself.

I changed my mind.

There are suckers in Brittney's bag of candy too so I don't have to put these out. I get to share them with her and we will have delicious times together. I am so happy right now! :D

Saturday, October 27, 2012


I hate texting.

A lot.

It is incredibly superficial way of communicating.

Actually, I just hate what Brittney calls textversations.

A quick definition:
Textversation: a "legitimate" conversation via text.

You see, "textversations" are fine for the first day or two, but when that becomes your sole source of communication between you and someone else. . . well, yeah. It gets old pretty quickly.

Things are said that shouldn't be, sarcasm and sincerity are both lost, and you lose the vital signals easily picked up when a conversation takes place face-to-face. Like I said: superficial.

If it were considered normal I would ditch the keyboard and use up my minutes. But schedules are so crazy and it's rare to find someone with the same schedule as you so texting is a convenient way to communicate--you can do it on your terms, when you have time.

But still. I'd much rather physically spend time with someone and have a legitimate conversation than text them my deepest thoughts (not that that ever happens, but you get it).

Anyways. . . That's me on texting. :)

Friday, October 26, 2012

The Barricade in the Front Room

Sometimes, when you're in college, you see some pretty silly things. . .

Like when you and your roommate do a good deed an proofread someone's paper for them in the middle of a movie party. . . and you have to do it in your bedroom because that's where your computer is.

Well. Just to let you know, if this happens to you, the boys in your front room will get bored. . . and when you tell them to entertain themselves they just might do something crazy like this:

As soon as Brittney and I walked out into the hallway we were accosted with place-mats, cards, and I think I remember a pillow. Brittney found the one small hole in their barricade and wormed her way through to the other side. I ran back to our room to grab my camera. . .

Like I said. Sometimes, when you're in college, you see some pretty silly things. :) It's the best

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Sometimes We Make our Beds in Skirts and a Towel

It's fine :)

On Snow and Students

This morning, when I walked out of my apartment, I had to smile to myself.

The sidewalks were soaked, a few yellowed leaves floated in puddles, and a thin layer of snow frosted the cars in the parking lot.

Snow. In October.

Green grass, yellow and orange leaves (still on the trees), and snow in the flowerbeds. This might not be true, but I feel like Utah is the only state indecisive enough to do something like this.

It's okay, though, because, for the first time since I can remember, the snow made me incredibly happy.

I have decided that the best place to experience a snowfall is on a college campus: you see thousands of students talking excitedly to each other about what's going on, people posing while the snowflakes dust their hair, and others who just stand there and stare at the falling sky with their mouths open to catch the pieces.

The campus comes alive in a unique way that only snowfall could bring about.

BYU wasn't transformed into a frosted wonderland--the snow didn't stick--but people acted like it was. I can't wait to see what happens when snow begins to pile up.

Snow has never brought me so much joy before!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Here We Go Again

I've been blogging for a few years now, but have just upgraded to Blogger. I finally got sick of the quirks WordPress forces me to deal with. So I'm here. :)

If you're at all interested in my other blog it's super easy to find. The website is

Not very original at all, but easy to remember.

Anyways. Here we go again